Webcasts provided by XE Live Broadcast use Youtube as a hosting platform to ensure cross-compatibility between browsers and operation systems while eliminating the need for additional plugins. Any problems you face while watching a Youtube Live event are also problems you will face watching any other Youtube video.

If you are familiar with Youtube, you’ll recognize the webcast player. However, a live webcast on Youtube is slightly different from a regular Youtube video. There are several features available in a Live Youtube webcast player that you may not have seen before – these are listed in the ‘Visual’ section below.

Some browsers may still have problems with Youtube. These problems can result from having a(n):

  • Large number of tabs open, this will eat up your computer’s available memory
  • Out of date browser
  • Slow internet connection
  • Legacy computer system
  • Loading multiple instances of the webcast in several tabs, reducing system performance and causing audio to ‘echo’ by playing in several places on your computer at once
  • Many extensions or browser add-ons installed which affect Youtube live and video player or XE Live chat performance
Many issues that degrade your webcast viewing experience can be fixed by closing your current browser and simply switching to another browser – installing and using Google Chrome fixes nearly all issues you will face watching a Youtube video

Be sure to turn your speakers or headphones on and set the volume at an ideal level.

How to change your name in the chat sidebar

(1) Click on the triple lines in the lower left of the chat sidebar (image below) – if nothing happens when you do this try loading the webcast in another browser or try the troubleshooting directions below


(2) Click on ‘change name’ (image below)


(3) Now you can enter your preferred username in the chat sidebar (image below)

Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 5.23.48 PM


If you have trouble viewing the chat, or changing your name, click the icon shown in the image below to open the chat in its own window:


If the chat sidebar disappears after you open it in a different window, refresh the live video page to reload the chat sidebar.

Internet Explorer

The chat sidebar may not load effectively on Internet Explorer browsers – it may not load or you may not be able to change your name in the chat on Internet Explorer. Sometimes these issues can be resolved by using the pop-out button as shown above. To use the chat sidebar without these issues, we recommend one of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
Display Issues

On some displays with high resolution (retina displays), changing names in the chat sidebar may not work effectively. If this is the case, please try to log in with Firefox. You may also want to try creating an incognito window in Google Chrome to reset the cookie.


This section details some steps to resolve issues you may have with viewing XE Live webcasts and highlights several Youtube Live features.

If you find that the video is running slowly, there is a lag between the video and the audio or the video appears ‘jumpy’ then you may want to reduce the resolution used by the video. Though Youtube players attempt to find the best settings for your connection and computer, sometimes you will need to manually change their settings. Or, if you want higher quality, you may want to increase the resolution.

To change the resolution, click the ’gear’ icon and select the resolution you’d like to use. This gear icon is noted by Item #1 – change settings & resolution in the webcast preview image below. If you are experiencing performance issues, please select a lower number for your resolution after clicking the gear, such as ‘240’. See image 2.

To take the webcast fullscreen, click the ’box’ icon in the lower right of the image. This box icon is noted by Item #2 – fullscreen in the webcast preview image below. See image 1 & 2.

Install a modern browser to view the webcast
  1. Please try closing your browser and reloading the page.
  2. Please try a different browser on your computer (i.e. if you are using Safari, please try loading the page in Firefox, or vice-versa)
  3. Please try restarting your computer

If each of these steps haven’t worked, you may need to update your browser, or install a different browser entirely. Google Chrome is recommended because it automatically stays updated to ensure compatibility and is optimized for the best possible Youtube Live performance on first install.

If you are having issues with Safari, Firefox or another browser, please install Google Chrome:

1. Download Google Chrome:


2. Install Google Chrome:

Click here to follow these instructions for installing Google Chrome

Image 1

preview of webcast player

Image 2


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